Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas? – Entrepreneurs use various kinds of creative thinking exercises to develop new business ideas and boost inventions. They aim to encourage discussion of new ideas and plan not to bring conservative thinking patterns. Usually, when the crisis comes, we assume about it as we have continuously permitted it. It limits our capability to develop new and innovative consequences and ideas. Similarly, this article will discuss one quiz question: Which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? And select its answer from the options given below;
Answer Options:
- Challenge the Usual
- Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not
- Draw Idea Maps
- Think Backward
Answer: (B) Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not
As you can see, option B is the correct answer to the question. If you want an explanation, I will suggest going through this article.
Table of Contents
Explanation Of Right Answer: Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not
Thus, judging an idea’s possibility and seeing how realistic it is does not drop under developing ideas. Entrepreneurs regularly use variability of creative thinking, usually different from common thought patterns. They assume this way to appear for innovative ideas for a business. Entrepreneurs intend to break free from the traditional thought pattern and discover many different ideas.
The Creative Phase on Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?
When entrepreneurs seek ideas, they allow themselves to develop them without judgment. At this part, they do not bring reason along with them. When encouraging the free flow of ideas, one should keep judgment aside.
However, it is common for some entrepreneurs to be dismissive of their ideas in their early stages. The phase of creativity is about taking risks and embracing uncertain things. They explore new possibilities, push boundaries and different boundaries, and think beyond their current positions. It allows an entrepreneur to make their business stand out in the market. In this phase, they develop unconventional solutions and breakthroughs with innovative solutions.
The Judgement Phase
But when entrepreneurs judge the idea’s feasibility, they are being realistic. It is not the phase where they leave an idea to the imagination, passion, or the idea itself. They have different parameters, allowing them to evaluate these ideas.
Specific parameters for judging these ideas would include judging them based on market demand, resource requirement, funds, technical feasibility, regulatory restrictions, and the broad competitive landscape. Judgment during the ideation phase can cause the dismissal of lots of premature ideas. But, judging an idea based only on initial realism can result in an incremental thinking mindset. It leads the entrepreneurs to follow ideas that fit into their existing products, ideas, and services.
Understanding Other Options
However, generating ideas does not happen alongside judgment. If we look at options A, C, and D, clearly, all of those options quickly come under practices followed for generating ideas. However, judging an idea’s feasibility and seeing how realistic it is does not fall under developing ideas. Let’s take a closer look at these exercises and explain why judging ideas based on their realism is not aligned with creative thinking.
A. Challenge the Usual:
Entrepreneurs can identify opportunities to improve, innovate, and differentiate their businesses by challenging the usual. Challenging the normal empowers them to challenge existing norms, assumptions, and routines.
In this exercise, entrepreneurs critically examine established practices to identify areas where they can introduce new ideas and break away from the traditional approach by asking thought-provoking questions like “Why do we do it this way?” or “What if we did the opposite?”
C. Draw Idea Maps:
Creating idea maps and mind maps helps entrepreneurs generate and organize ideas. Idea maps involve creating a diagram that connects different concepts, thoughts, and associations related to a particular concept. Entrepreneurs can discover new connections by visualizing the relationships between other elements in their ideas. As a result of this exercise, nonlinear thinking is stimulated, and diverse possibilities are explored, often leading to new ideas and solutions.
D. Think Backward:
When you think backward or reverse thinking, imagine what you want to achieve, then work back to figure out what you need to do to get there. In this exercise, entrepreneurs envision a future state beyond the constraints of their current circumstances. When entrepreneurs consider their end goal first, they can challenge conventional thinking and identify alternative paths to achieve their objectives. This exercise encourages entrepreneurs to think outside the box and consider unconventional methods and solutions.
Hence, By this post, I hope you got the clearance on your answer about Which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas. So, For a new idea to come out and flourish, an entrepreneur needs an environment where the possibility of an idea is welcome. Entrepreneurs need an environment or culture where creativity is encouraged and new ideas can live and grow. Creative thinking exercises are activities that help people to think more creatively. They can generate new ideas, solve problems, or develop new ways of viewing the world.
Also, judging every concept is not a realistic way to develop creative thinking. So, according to the question, if an entrepreneur is being creative, they cannot bring their judgment along the way and see if each of those ideas is realistic. Please let us know your thoughts on this.