Tips for Scoring Good Marks in Olympiad Maths for Class 10 Students – Every year the Olympiad maths exam is conducted at the International and National levels. The exam’s primary purpose is to improve the students’ logical reasoning, analytical, and problem-solving skills. This exam is considered a highly competitive one because It tests the conceptual and practical knowledge of the subject and prepares students to face the challenges of the modern competitive world.
Students should prepare well for this exam by making a proper study plan and following the tips provided in this article, which helps students get a good score in the Olympiad Maths exam for Class 10 students.
Table of Contents
1. Olympiad Maths for Class 10:
Class 10 plays a crucial role in all students’ lives, so the olympiad maths exam helps the students understand the basic concepts clearly, making them learn the concepts very well to become experts in that particular subject.
2. Importance of knowing the syllabus:
Students must be aware of the syllabus before starting the preparation for the Class 10 Olympiad Maths exam. The syllabus for this maths exam is the same as the syllabus in Class 10, and also it includes the curriculum of CBSE, ICSE, and the state board. The essential topics include Real Number, Arithmetic Progression, Polynomials, Triangles, Mensuration, Quadratic Equations, Probability & Permutation Combination, Coordinate Geometry, Circle and Its Area, Quadrilateral and Its Area, Data Handling, and Logical Reasoning listed for the Olympiad Maths exam. Therefore, students should concentrate much on these topics to get good marks in the exam.
3. Early preparation:
Since the syllabus is the same as the school syllabus, students should start their preparation as early as possible. Before the Olympiads schedule is declared, students must prepare for the exam to get a good rank.
4. Understanding the concepts clearly:
Students must have a thorough knowledge of the concepts in Maths to perform well in the exam. The questions in the Olympiad exam are tricky and challenging, so students should have an in-depth knowledge of the concepts. After studying an idea, students should practice a lot of multiple-choice questions of that concept to ensure that students understand the topic clearly.
Since tricky and challenging questions are asked in the Olympiad Exam, students must understand the IMO Maths Olympiad Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 2013 correctly and solve them by applying the studied concepts.
5. Prepare a proper study plan:
Class 10 students should also get good marks in their board exams, so prepare the plan accordingly. Based on the syllabus, students should prepare a strategic plan with a timetable. Students should first identify the weaker concepts, put them. They must adhere to the program without affecting the school studies. Students should include revision, olympiad study, logical reasoning, and proper study breaks in their study plan and distribute the time accordingly.
6. Understand the paper pattern for Olympiad Maths for Class 10:
There are two types of Olympiad Maths exams, namely Annually and Monthly. Students should take either one of them to prepare for the exam. In addition, all questions asked in the exam are Multiple-choice questions, so students should be more attentive while answering the questions.
There are 50 questions asked in the Annual Olympiad, and the duration of the exam is 45 minutes.
There are 30 questions asked in the Monthly Olympiad, and the duration of the exam is 25 minutes. Students should understand the paper pattern based on the selection of the olympiad exam.
7. Revise and practice the concepts regularly:
Students should have a strong foundation of the concepts. Then only will they be able to get a good rank in the exam? Students should study the concepts of Maths very well and do practice the questions after reading the idea. IMO Workbook should be used for practicing the questions. The Subject Expert Matter designs the book, so the content in the book is authentic and best for preparation. This book contains logical reasoning, and students must practice them as well.
While studying, students should take separate notes for formulas, theories, and methodologies used for each concept. Students must revise them regularly to get into the ideas deeply. Also, it is essential to solving the sample and previous year question papers to know the types of questions asked in the exam. In this way, students must be experts in their concepts of Maths.
8. Practice Logical reasoning to get a high score:
The olympiad exam contains logical reasoning questions apart from the syllabus questions to test the students’ analytical thinking abilities. Moreover, the rational part will help the students to enter into their competitive exams. So students should give importance to logical reasoning as well.
Logical reasoning questions will help the students think clearly and understand the logical connection, improving their academics and analytical thinking abilities. The IMO workbook has logical reasoning questions, so students should study and practice them daily to enhance logical thinking and get good marks in the exam. Hence, students shouldn’t skip this part.
9. Time management:
Time management plays a vital role in the Olympiad Maths exam for Class 10 students. Because students must answer the questions on time and also provide the solutions correctly, students must practice the sample and previous year question papers regularly so that their problem-solving, analytical, and logical skills will be increased drastically. Also, students’ confidence level will increase, which will help them to complete the exam on time and solve the questions correctly. Students should also have a strong foundation for the concepts of Maths so that they can get good marks in the Olympiad Maths exam.
10. Stay healthy:
Staying healthy is also essential during preparation and exam. To keep the energy level up and the mind fresh, students should take a proper diet, eat healthily, and sleep well. In addition, study breaks should be handled correctly.