Table of Contents
What is Annihilation?
- Annihilation is a film that has not left anyone indifferent, polarizing opinions that range from samples from more unconditional love.
- It is to which I join without hesitation – to cries to heaven that add the buzzword: “overrated.”
- Regardless of all this story and the philias and phobias that every project on their film assessment.
- Much of the respectable agrees is pointing to an ambiguous ending that, far from closing its plot and providing clear and concise answers.
- It leaves in the air a nice handful of unknowns for the free interpretation of the spectator.
What is the glow and What happens at the lighthouse at the end of the movie?
- Does Lena manage to run and escape from Area X, or, on the contrary, is it her copy that is to interrogate?
- To shed some light on all this, we bring you video to reel and explain the end of ‘Annihilation.’
- What have you taken from the end of the film? Which Lena do you think survived the lighthouse incident?
- Do not hesitate to contribute your opinion to extend the debate in the comments, ‘Annihilation,’ there is a discussion for a long time.
- And that, from my point of view, only confirms that this is one of the most relevant works of contemporary science fiction.
- Destruction has been a revolution on Netflix.
- The complex science fiction work of the creator of Ex-Machina has become a great puzzle where the scientific basis merges with science fiction to give rise to a new world.
- During the film, simplified but effective concepts of cell biology expose, which helps us understand the plot and deepen its message. Let’s start from scratch to understand the film.
- Let’s start like that children’s series called ‘Once upon a time the human body and let’s delve into our fascinating inner world.
- Our body is constantly changing.
- The cells that compose us are generated and die throughout our lives.
- We live in a continuous transformation, and through mitosis, cells duplicate DNA and divide, giving rise to new cells.
- But not all the cells that make up our body regenerate at the same speed.
- Those that make up the skin, the intestines, or the kidneys, when exposed to more wear factors, renew in days, while the bones take up to ten years.
- In each copy of DNA, a slight loss of information means that the new cell is not 100% exact from which it comes.
- For the same reason, we do not remain the same throughout our lives, and as proof of this is aging or mutations.
- Mutations are DNA alterations that occur spontaneously or due to external factors that modify the genetic code.
- We expose thousands of mutations, some beneficial, most neutral, and others negative, such as cancer, throughout our lives.
- And it is precise with an expanding cancer cell that the film begins.
- The carcinogenic expansion that we see in the first scene of Annihilation is a simile to understand the functioning of the alien organism that gives rise to the film.
- We see that cancer cell that is dividing and expanding through our body, like the entity fallen into the lighthouse, extends through the halo, modifying and mutating everything in its path.
- And what we consider a threat is nothing more than a change, one that destroys us, but whose only function is to breakthrough.
- But let’s not anticipate events.
- We go step by step extracting each reading of the film because the scientific base gives way to pure science fiction.
- The imagination is far above scientific facts, creating not only a new world but a new one.